How to Make a DIY Home Security System with Android Smartphones and Tablets!

How to Make a DIY Home Security System with Android Smartphones and Tablets!

Here’s how to make a DIY home security system with bunch of Android smartphones and tablets.



Mark Yanaros says:

lolol that was hilarious, and actually very easy to follow.

NicoleEarl says:

Are you batman?

coÂld TV says:

thanks though

coÂld TV says:

what a voice.laughed my guts out

Raven Baker says:

ip webcam for androooiiid. me: yea androooiiid XD

Cain Galea says:


wardope says:

stupid because you dont understand how networks works. no one can spy on you unless you have a insecure network which in that case you are stupid.

Leon Davis says:

Yeah, right.
I'm going to download an app that lets people spy on me.
Hows stupid do they think we are?

Rolando Lopez says:

great tutorial, question though, is there a way to setup the phones to auto-save the video in any cloud storage (dropbox, google drive, etc). I'd settle if I could save just most recent videos or something. Thanks.

philipa366 says:

You are great!!!


everyone shows how to set up for local camera no one shows to set up for distance like from work don't really need security camera in house if we are all home.thank you

mj8323 says:

very honorabru!

Jeddy Efzan says:

Hey Max ,Cool stuff could you share your code .Here is mine and salute.

brwm747 :3 says:

Hey Max,, were you Bruce? LOL
Thx for so much tips!!

Elaine Navarro says:

OMG! Thanks. I was going to spend $$$ on a home security system but the wifey said NO.  You are awesome.  Thanks for making it easy to obtain my own security system for items that I already owned.  LOL.  How do I use NIGHT VISION?

Elvisr29 says:

Love this guy

c8spatrick says:

Awesome tutorial, informative and super funny. Thx.

annibell solmes says:

lol How fun. I needed to laugh! thank you !

Hilda Alvarez says:

can i just use normal cameras instead of the androids?

RDKamikaze says:

You remind me of Splinter from the old Ninja Turtles movies haha! Thumbs up for creativity.

George Cordero says:

Keanu Reeves before making it big with the Matrix

science FRICTION says:

Dude! I love it that your 'radio voice' pisses superficial people off so easily… The notion that someone with a melifluous ("pleasing just to listen to") voice will have more reliable knowledge to impart is… its like assuming a priest/pope is more moral because they wear a silly hat.

PS: by the way, im sure you are just moderating your speech so it is captured clearly by your microphone, which it totally is – plus you sound like friggin BATMAN (woah, now that would be the coolest, an Asian martial artist batman!!! Cos frankly, I know Batman fights hand-to-hand since he never uses a gun, but i cant actually remember a SINGLE cool fight scene in any Batman movies, yet i can easily picture 10 cool fights from Hong Kong action movies just from briefly sharing a house with a martial arts movie fan almost 12 years ago!)

Mohd. Anis Fikri says:

Lol. Thumbs up

jinxdafiddler says:

omg tht voice is soooo fucn annoying….damn info was good but talk regular…shit

Mahesh R S says:

is that really how u speak or r u punking people? whatev, but, this was fun.

btw, the video was also useful.

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