How to prepare for laying pavers

How to prepare for laying pavers

How to prepare for laying pavers. Laying pavers preparation.

Started on a concrete paver project you want to carefully lay out an area to
0:03excavate the six inches larger in each direction when you’re finished patio or
0:07sidewalk to check the corners Foursquare we measured diagonally across the space
0:13if the two diagonals of the same four corners are square and before we do any
0:18digging we have the utility companies to mark the locations of any underground
0:22pipes are wires once everything is staked out we begin to dig we’re using a
0:27sod cutter to give a nice clean edge that we need to go down at least seven
0:31inches this leaves right in my room for the four inch base away or sand in the
0:37papers themselves the most important thing about the digging we’re doing here
0:40is that we’re trying not to disturb the dirt at the bottom of the hole this is
0:44called skimming in other words what we don’t want to do is to have loose dirt
0:49at the bottom is after the patio was built up a little and we might end up
0:53with a dick in the patio the patio of this size we could dig the whole thing
0:58out by hand but we’ve decided to bring a contractor for the real heavy digging if
1:03your ex career doesn’t deal much with paper installations you’ll want to be
1:07real specific about what you want probably the most important thing just
1:11like when we were handing it to scrape all the dirt without disturbing the
1:15ground underneath if he goes to deep don’t let them try to fill it back in
1:18and smooth it out however morning into a typical problem here at Spring and it’s
1:23been kind of rainy here for the past couple of days so the soil is soft and
1:27spongy and the bottom excavations getting kinda messy make up for this
1:32ongoing start bringing some the base material into the area the base material
1:36will start to solidify the soft wet soil this way you’ll be able to drive the
1:40Bobcats through the area without leaving big trucks
1:44the base material doesn’t start being effective until spent compacted so I’m
1:50running the compactor over it now hopefully what this is doing is compact
1:54and the base material and helping the soil underneath to settle you see the
1:58house is only about four years old and that there were working on may not have
2:01had enough time to sell any time you uncovered you run the risk it suddenly
2:05decide it’s time to settle that’s why we’re come packing it now it’s
2:10especially important to compact the soil along the side of the house what happens
2:13next to the house is that the overhang of the roof has kept the ground they’re
2:17getting what satellite also in this part of the country the ground right next to
2:21the house may never freeze up during the winner that’s because it’s being kept
2:25warm by the heat from the basement and its freezing and thawing that helps
2:28underground went to the compactor for three days and it’s costing us about a
2:32hundred thirty bucks will use this to contact the base material and to set the
2:37papers your last step make sure you get 425 horsepower compactor
2:42smaller just isn’t going to cut it this compact vibrates to frequencies the
2:46low-frequency high for setting impacting the base material later switched over to
2:52the high frequency low for setting the compact in the papers in the sand now we
2:57check the area for two things
2:59flatness and slope we’ve got a long straight to buy stakes we slide this
3:03around to find any hopes or deaths
3:07if we scrape off or fill any areas we make sure to contact them before we move
3:12on to the next step to check for the rights law grade we put a two inch leg
3:19on the end of it
3:20eight-foot to buy six this is the great we want the bottom one inch drop for a
3:25restore see the greatest right on the top of the board will be level
3:40stabilized but before we do that we should add so we snapped a chalk line
3:50here along the foundation for news magic marker make a little bit more permits it
3:54one of these for letting me when the base material covers the line you can
3:58see how much we’ve got a contact hitter or break it up sometime this one last
4:05thing we want to do before we spread out the main lode of base material this is
4:09called geotextile fabric if there’s any movement in the soil under the patio the
4:15fabric will actually help hold up the base and the patio so once this is in
4:20will start putting in the base material on top of the fabric should go up the
4:25side of the excavation you’ll need to slice it to get to lay flat at the
4:29corners also run a little bit up the side of the house in taking place this
4:34will help protect the sighting in places where you may need to make a scene make
4:38sure you overlap the pieces by at least
4:44this material probably has to be just a little bit WEP sometimes it’ll come off
4:49the truck just fine
4:50other times will be a little bit too what are the times will be to dry a good



shibal sekki says:

….just ruined the lawn at 7:00 …..might as well build a driveway

DesertFernweh says:

Word of advice, once you get your area level. Make sure everyone knows not to let the dog out. Some let our the Lab out while I was out getting stuff from the hardware store. wow did he have fun. I cussed….alot.

garyr1200gs says:

Depending where you are you could use hot lime that is what they use on oil rigs to dry the mud/cuttings and water it's messy it can smoke and burn things wouldn't recommend near building or cars because the steam carries the lime but if your trying to build a drive way threw wet area it would best if you had pile mud and just kept rolling it with a machine in few minutes you could use the dirt but near building I would 3 inch gravel it binds up better than 2b wich will roll like marbles out from under tires then cover it in 2a modified like your using ,the netting is good if it's sponge the lime trick is good for jobs where you need to haul the muck out because no place to go with the mud on location line the truck with plastic or it will stick in box load it up after it there no more running water you could move on with job you would have to wait or come back to it will save you a fine for spilling mud water i use excavator to mix because the volatile action is farther away you still need a air mask if you don't have good cab even then recommend cause you can't direct wind new construction where it's soup mess before anything was built perfect place to try it's not hydrated lime that farmers put on floor barn

ggg's fan says:

the right drop is 1 inch every 8 feet my friend you said 1 inch every 4 feet thats completely wrong

Awww you u tube mad ain't ya says:

Also, you call this a DIY project using hundreds of dollars of tools and Contractors that every day people can't afford? LOL.

Awww you u tube mad ain't ya says:

That sod cutter, costs $300. More than I paid for samd, rock and papers for my project.

Andres Jimenez says:

How long did it take to complete the project?

Tim Haggerty says:

What is the brand and spec's of the Geo textile you used?

little crab says:

that's why.

little crab says:

u r going to spend all day moving the gravel with the excavator and moving the dirt another day unless u have five guys with a willberrol

Nelson Aguilera says:

keep fucking that chicken…

Andy ball says:

Why not use a mini EXCAVATOR rather than a skid steer excavators are designed for excavating skid steers are designed for loading just a question the Americans seem to love skid steers where as in the uk we tend to use diggers and dumpers as it creates less damage

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