How to Fix a Clogged Toilet | Plumbing Repairs

How to Fix a Clogged Toilet | Plumbing Repairs

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Plumbers are expensive. Learning how to do a few simple home plumbing repairs can save you a ton of money. In this video, master plumber Tim Flynn shows you how to fix a clogged toilet.

“I’m Tim Flynn and I’m the owner of Winters Plumbing and Heating in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Winters Company offers plumbing, heating, cooling. If you need service today; we’re the business to call. My website is I’ll be talking to you today about plumbing.

Clogged toilet, happens to everybody. How do you know when a toilet’s clogged? The water level comes up higher than normal. Water levels should never be this high. So, how are you going to handle it? First would be, the plunger. What kind of plunger would we recommend? Basically we’re looking for a plunger with a solid wooden handle. There are others on the market that are plastic, like an accordion, I wouldn’t recommend those. I wouldn’t recommend the ones that just have the orange cup that looked very similar to this. This is kind of a dual-purpose. This way you could use it for a sink, a bathroom sink, a kitchen sink, but if this attachment is, when you pull this part out, that’s for a toilet bowl. So, we have our plunger, and what we want to do is insert our plunger into the toilet, stand up. You want to be right over the top. You want to push down, and a plunger works by pulling back, not by pushing down. So you want to pull back, help clear the obstruction, push down, draw back. Push down again, pull back, and you’ll see the water start to go down, done. Give it a test. It’s also a really good idea to have a plastic bag nearby, take the plunger, put it in the plastic bag and you’re not going to carry the water all over the house. That’s what it takes to clear a toilet. “



Jamie Mitchell says:

Thank you!! Your video helped me fix my toliet that I've been fighting with for 5 days!!

zisis stip says:

Secure your toilet will ΝΕVER get clogged again.
DON’T HARM YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES. STOP DISPERSING DANGEROUS MICROBES. STOP TOILET PAPER USE. NEW FACTS ABOUT IT. Urinary tract infection affects mainly the women (one in two women). .Cleaning with TOILET PAPER , is incomplete. The remaining feces staff is quickly DRIED UP, and through VAPORIZATION, is transferred to near organs and soon to all house objects as food etc and to people we live with . The same happens in HOSPITALs, where acquired hosp. infections cause so many deaths, in spite of great efforts and expenses against.. It is at least strange that this parameter had not been examined in a scientific way up to now..
The solution IS : ABOLISHMENT or restriction of toilet paper that hits microbes at their SOURCE (and of course that solves the problem of TOILET BLOCKING ONCE AND FOR ALL).. This is feasible thanks to the new, generation of bidets like KO BIDET, with VERTICAL water jet, and 100% effectiveness in exactly targeted cleaning up. Also KO BIDET is useful for its simplicity to handicapped.. email:

sparks Fire says:


D. H. says:

It did help some! Thanks much! GOD Bless!!!!!!!

Jacob Todd says:

You just saved my life πŸ˜‡πŸ€˜πŸΌ

danica jimenez says:

Tnx to this video.. i tried 15 times.. then success!!

Kailey T. says:

When my babysitters toilet overflowed because of my poop I thought I would have to pay a new toilet for my babysitter

Kailey T. says:

This helped me so much I thought my poop broke the toilet

The universes Plan says:


Ali Fakhoury says:

wow everybody with the same situation here πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

trollingonaot says:

thank you. now my grandma won't beat me

Joseph Maresca says:

I tried fixing my toilet myself. I gave up and called Nationwide Plumbers instead: 855-620-8558

.m. says:

This idiot is dressed like he's a marine

Christine Vogt says:

my toilet clogged be for

Javi's Hair says:

It didn't work…

xoorlando ** says:

I try to plunge my toilet but my plunger keeps folding when I try to do it. also when I flush the toilet the water level gets really high but then drains all the way down. I need help please someone respond please

Suna Polat says:

oh wow this really worked thanks

Suna Polat says:

but mine is so high that if i put the plunger in there it overflows

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