Shed extension

Shed extension

Just needed a little extra storage out of the rain. If you listen closely you can hear Rpeek’s influence



Matthew Bachman says:

Music matches the shed.😂

Throfew says:

𝗕𝘂ð—ķð—đð—ąð—ķð—ŧð—ŧg ð—Ū ð—―ð—ŋð—ē-𝗰𝘂𝘁 ð˜„ð—žð—žð—ą 𝘀ð—ĩð—ēð—ą – ð—Ķð—ķð—ąð—ē-ð—Ŋ𝘆-𝘀ð—ķð—ąð—ē ð—ŋð—ē𝘃ð—ķð—ēw – 𝗕ð—Ū𝗰ð—ļ𝘆ð—Ūð—ŋð—ą 𝗗ð—ķ𝘀𝗰𝗞𝘃ð—ēð—ŋ𝘆 𝘃𝘀 𝗛ð—Ūð—ŧð—ąð˜† 𝗛𝗞𝗚e >> 2372

Florence B. Risk says:

43 > Howwww To Build A Lean To Shed. Doubleee Door Buildddd > …>>> 7629

N Kel says:

banjo sucks…I don't think you need it. Content: thumbs down

Leon J. Douglas says:

112 >>Buildingggg A Shed SHOULD Be Fun &Enjoyableeee, NOT Frustratingggg. >> ..>>> 2452

John McGhee says:

Bullshit build

John McGhee says:

What's with the irritating music

jason fink says:

well the worst video I've seen yet you didn't show anybody shit thanks

Victor Reyes says:

Good job.oh by the way fuck all ya negative losers.can't stand ya..u did a good job man.the he'll what ppl say.loc the banjo.

Lenny James says:

hurricane straps would work good on shed wall….

FUGYOO says:

I wouldn't be here if I wasn't looking for tips….like every other dick head who is here. Thanks Tod.

Denny Demers says:

Don't quit your day job 👎

darling flowers says:

The posts are just freely on the ground? Really should be in the ground or on a pier. My opinion

Jimmers Russell says:

But of course the scammers have to chime in about their great shed plans – available of course for a price – why anyone would be pay for such items when all is there for free on the Net.

DieselCricket says:

more banjo please

Tim Lopez says:

That shed will not hold up in any serious wind.

Diamond Too says:


Christal Keel says:

Overall, a helpful video, but my advice would be to lose the banjos, or at least turn the volume down. It wasn't that hard to follow, but it was mighty light on details. The camera rolls were a little distracting, but the resolution was good.

suzbone says:

This looks like you just set the posts on top of the ground… did you do any kind of footing later on? If so, what kind?

Dave Overbey says:

I don't understand all the thumbs down as is I gave a thumbs up! So many people just can't be pleased no matter the fact they compare it to extreme & expect it to be compatible. But the truth is it's great for those doing a smaller scale project & it's just wrong to criticize another's intentions to do what he knows can help others. After all he's not trying to build the taj mahal L.O.L.

Ivan Watson says:

How did you attach the joists to the board attached to the shed??

ETsonggalaxy says:

Jumping camera!  Steps not explained well.  Just figure it out yourself at your own risk.  Lacks STEP by STEP.  Forgot to mention the TILT allows the rain to run off.

Jon Cooper says:

Like the music; I'm going to try to rope my son into helping me on this project.

Debbie Gibson says:

You make it look so easy. Got to give this a try. Thanks for the video.

James cooper says:

Good point Tod 🖒🖓

James cooper says:

lmfao on stumble into a post and that things coming down 😅

Trukdoc455 says:

Great work, simple but very useful, exactly what I need to build on my little old utility shed. Your assistant looks just like my 15 yr old assistant, I can relate, again great video!

Michael Bartee says:

That banjo has got to go!!!!!!!

Denny Atkins says:

I hope you don't get snow in your area.

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