How To Build A Treehouse | 5 Wranglerstar

How To Build A Treehouse | 5 Wranglerstar

How To Build A Treehouse.

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Roskoe P says:

This is a good way to kill 2 trees. 18" lag bolts straight into the tree cores .

Jeremy Carlsten says:

When in doubt, build it stout, with the tools that you know about!

cart banks says:

why do you have a gun?

cbrusharmy says:

Wow. I think that beam will take much more weight at that span than those bolts can hold.

Jack Riggs says:

Really good videos man I enjoy all of your stuff!

Jack Owen says:

casual gun on his belt

Tu Chenz says:

That firearm sure comes in handy when building a tree house!

SM038 says:

Awesome videos! Just wondering what year of Ford van seat brackets to ask for at my local junk yard. Thanks

Dylan Hamilton says:

why do you carry a gun about with you am from the uk so have no ideah why

Maynard says:

To me you are starting to look absolutely ridiculous carring that gun strapped to your side. If it is that unsafe why do you live there ? Loosing interest in the videos. Did not think it was that dangerous in Washington. Heck in BC your northern neighbor no one wears a side arm (illegal) & not necessary. They have one of the largest population of grizzlies & cougars on this planet.

AxeKracker says:

Wranglerstar – Here's an example of how I reference your channel. I've been contemplating building a tree house for a couple years now. So I need to learn a bit more about the subject. I work through in my mind where can I go to gain knowledge on the subject. I heard about your channel about a year ago when I was looking for a log splitting wedge and as I was in the store ready to make a purchase when my friend said "before you buy that you should check out this guy Wranglerstar on YouTube". I balked at the idea but he's a friend I trust dearly so I checked out your channel and have been a faithful subscriber ever since. But I digress. Back a the tree house. I thought to myself, I bet Wrangerstar doesn't have anything on treehouse building but I'll give it a shot as you're my first resource for every new project I take on and here I am learning how to build a treehouse from you. Thank you for all you do for me and my family. To YouTube – there are a lot of different kind of families out there. It's not all popsicles and ice cream. Most of us are God fearing respectable people and rough and tumble just like Wranglerstar. Don't take him away from us. We rely on him.

Dannie Turner says:

Hey Cody, love your videos, I am in the process of watching every one of them. Funny note or should I say interesting, the optical illusion , the camera is on the van and when you shake the van it looks like the tree is moving. keep up the good work Dannie

Steve Skouson says:

Cody, I see the boards resting on the bolt in the tree.

I'd much prefer that the top of that bolt rested on a
piece of metal. (Metal has a MUCH lower coefficient
of friction) but of course I could be wrong. (Thank you.
Dennis Miller!)


John W. Peterson says:

Mr W, you are a good papa. God bless.

Thomas Mcloughlin says:

really enjoyed this series on treehouse building… was wondering why you have a handgun on you? was kinda taken aback when I caught sight of it!

Antony Page says:

would the timber not needto season/dry before using?

kenedyexpress motoboy são bernardo do campo says:


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