DIY French Cleat Shelves For Your Garage

DIY French Cleat Shelves For Your Garage

Part of being self reliant is not rushing out to the big box store and buying a solution for every problem around the house. My problem these days is storage space and organization in my garage. It makes it hard to work on projects.

This is a VERY easy to make shelving system that costs less, offers more flexibility, and works just as good as any shelving system you can find for sale out there. In fact, it is better than those because YOU get to design it and customize it to your exact needs instead of hoping you can get something from the store to work the way you want it.

For a couple hours max (not counting glue drying time) you can build a similar system to what I have in this video. Total cost will run you $50-60 or less per shelf or you can make it out of scrap.



Edad Martin says:

French cleats are great im always coming up with new layouts in my garage shop.every year something changes,just because i can with french cleats.

Simply Embedded says:

How often do you think you'd really need to move this to a new spot? It's an interesting idea, but I think I'd rather just design it for optimal to begin with and make it permanent. Nice vid.

Weego Camargo says:

how much wight you think it can hold

Douglas Alan says:

Looks more like LSD reliance. Someone needs a yard sale.

bobfre1 says:

The likelihood of you wanting to move these cabinets is pretty low….. why not just screw the cabinets to the wall without the cleats?
The whole french cleat revolution seems like an internet/youtube fad that is really a solution looking for a problem.

JenCatSmiles says:

These are awesome! Check mine out… Let me know what you think :o)

Joshua Jerred says:

Definitely looks like my work bench. Definitely going to make these 🙂

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