Hey team,
We are back on it today with more DIY stuff!! We are making the most of the situation and just building away, so we can get some great workouts in and also some great content for you!! Today we have a slosh pipe and a pulley system! It is awesome, make it just like a globe gym!!!
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Favorite Protein Company: https://1stphorm.com/Kristi
My Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/kristieramo/
Edited By- @Bc_VISIONS
Music Playlist:
great stuff… thx for that … greetings from austria
Great video!
Once again you guys are Awesome!!! I’ve been doing “Home Depot” DIY type of gym stuff for years now and you guys still surprise me with all your creativity! Keep it up as you both are a bright shining light in this time and your positivity and enthusiasm are so contagious so let’s keep spreading that and stomp out the negative. God Bless you both. Take care.
More like a neck pull
Love your smart at home ideas! I really miss hyperextensions for targeting glutes and hamstrings! Any cool ideas to make one at home? Especially the roman chair version! Thanks!
You guys genuinely Wana help people. It's so refreshing to see that on YouTube. Can't wait for the next one 💪
Great video guys thanks so much
I love sharing your videos with my friends.
Have you thought about using your floor mounts from your band workout with another pulley, carabeena and rope so you can use it as a low pulley as well.
❤️it! Very cool idea guys!
Can hang some bands and weights on the ends to increase the weight?
Can you leave a list of exactly what you need for the Pully System? Thanks. You guys are doing some cool stuff and I like that it is cost effective.
We need a rope climb set up outside as inside our garage it's just too short. Any ideas? =) Help!
love yours videos!!!
Again Thank You Kristi and Patrick with these awesome ideas. Patrick should have his own DIY Fitness Channel.
Another awesome video and so much fun to watch the DIY parts. Really like the pulley system. Thank you! 👍
You’ve got sweaty armpits lol
Great channel you guys! Check out Jeff Cavaliere’s channel for his facepull technique tips.
Another great DIY…empty bucket with lid…fill with rocks, to use for carries. I also bought bags of sand and wrapped them in duct tape for sandbags
This is awesome. And you guys use my favorite supplement company, 1st Phorm. You guys are awesome. Super excited about the pulley system.
This video was awesome, thanks for the tips! 👌🏼🙏🏼
Thanks for sharing!
Love all your ideas!!! Go get it!
It would be helpful if you guys listed the supplies used in the description. That way we can easily use it to go get exactly what is needed. Love the DIY videos!
Patrick, you are a real man, your hands and head are working👍….yesterday your wife won by performing burpees and double unders, today you showed your strong side…score 1 : 1🤣
Awesome! Need a slosh pipe
You could sit on your pylo box while you lat pull down.
I made one of those pull systems too! I'm my son's PE coach during this covid19 stuff and he loves to pull a sand bag I have up to the top! It can work your grip to if you get a little bit thicker rope and just grap the bare rope and pull it to you like a row.