Woodworking, Building French Doors, How To

Woodworking, Building French Doors, How To

Free Woodworking Plans: http://samuraicarpenter.com/free-6-plan-bundle?via=openRe7A

Join My Makers Mob Woodworking School: https://www.joinmakersmob.com/samurai/

I thought building doors would be boring but this project challenged me and taught me a lot and best of all, brought a new appreciation and meaning to the word door.

My Website: http://samuraicarpenter.com

Samurai Tools: http://samuraicarpenter.com/japanese-saws/



Darnell Sproul says:

just google woodprix :))

Hun Mete says:

Beautifull door i want to make like that especially i did know how making but i believe i can do

Steve Baker says:

Great video sir – reminds me of being a timber joiner back in the mid to late 80's (aside from the dbl-glazing). Early 90's was basically the death notice for timber doors & windows in New Zealand, sadly… now in 2019, you'd be hard-pressed to find a shop that can still make a house-lot. Now-a-days, aluminium has taken over – it has its place, but it has none of the character of timber.

Mike Zurynski says:

It is clear that Samurai attended Jesus' woodworking seminar. lol Your work is just plain amazing.

KK WET says:

Excellent travail !

Kirk Swidowski says:

What wood did you use for this?

Martin Rugroden says:

First time I noticed the goggles. Got some steampunk goin' on.

mymathmind says:

What type of wood did you use for the doors?

Roy Campbell says:

Great job Dad.

bobbg says:

Nice doors, Question??
Why didn't you fill the split with glue and pull it in with a clamp to cure then cut the dutchman in? Was it because that was finished size?
Maple I like, but I might have used Ceder on that with a maple viner on the inside.
Are they showing any rot?

Yes you are making good memories for your kids, Its why I like woodworking,
My dad used to build Cedar canoes in the basement when I was a little boy.

Gold grinder says:

There's already hundred of people telling nice job but i want also to say it . Excellent job.

Ryan Shelton says:

Beautiful doors but did the hinges get places on the exterior?

Shaikh Hayath says:

My Grandfather build like this same for me 25 years ago….and today I am building for my baby boy & girl 😍😍😍

Shaikh Hayath says:

Always Build Home for Yourself By U Only….Just like a Bird builds it's own Nest…That's the Masterpiece of Nature

Ian Plant says:

Honestly?!?! I can see so many things wrong with the construction of the frame and doors.But you lot seem to love it,so you obviously don`t know any better!

Mrs. TJ 38 says:

My current challenge is installing my exterior french doors, so I really only came on here to see how you installed your french doors and I am amazed at your quality of work, your candor and your work ethics. You have won me as a new subscriber now and I look forward to more of your videos! Cheers 🙂 Mrs. TJ

Ole Laustsen says:

I really enjoyed watching your woodworking skills and the finished doors. Really nice work!

Jasko Besic says:

Amazing work!

Allan Docater says:

plans from woodprix are awesome!

TheNietchze says:

What?…..No explanation about what you're doing?!

will to fight says:

Thumbs up from the cutie

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